I help people amplify their brand to achieve sustainability and leverage diversity to convert challenges into opportunities. 

Trained in both business and the humanities, I combine art and science to explore innovative options and collaborate creatively to solve complex problems.

With over two decades of experience working with First Nations groups, organizations and individuals, I bring a unique arts-based methodology to address unconscious bias and racism and build bridges of understanding. – Michèle Stanners, BA, MBA/LLB, MTS

Creative Solutions for Your Board, Enterprise or Business

Cultural strategist

As humans we inherently understand the transformational power of an artistic experience – be it a passage of music, a poem or a thing of beauty like a butterfly or a sunset. Can you think of a moment when a piece of art, a song, a play, changed your perception, opened a door to new possibilities?

My passion is in harnessing the power of art to discover unique and pragmatic strategies and solutions, and engaging it for positive movement and change. ( READ MORE…)


diversity Program Designer

My lifelong passion has been embracing and leveraging the power of diversity to respond to complex cultural challenges and ensure broad-based commitment and inclusive decision making.  

Over two decades of working with First Nations groups, organizations and individuals, I have developed a unique arts-based methodology for addressing unconscious bias and racism and building bridges of understanding. (READ MORE…)

Creative Brand Amplifier

I help visionary organizations improve their governance, build capacity, more effectively engage stakeholders and ensure financial sustainability. 

Decades of experience in leadership roles in the non-profit sector, as an executive or senior volunteer, I have developed an expertise in solving complex problems through an artistic process, with a specialty in fundraising and brand amplification. (READ MORE…

Let’s Talk

Recent Posts

Podcast with Lynn Carnes: Building Bridges of Reconciliation

In this podcast, Michèle Stanners shares her journey toward reconciliation with the First Nations people of Canada, provides a masterclass in the art of deep listening and demonstrates the value of taking both and artistic and pragmatic approach to facing the challenges of diversity. Her book and podcast of the same name “Unsettled” explores the […]

Want to Be a Better Negotiator? Zip It and Listen

  In 2012, while pursuing a Masters in Theological Studies at the Harvard Divinity School, I won the draw for one of the slots in the Negotiation J-Course offered at the Harvard Law School. I reminisced to my law school studies at the University of Alberta in the 1980’s and back then, “Negotiation” as a […]


  • Michèle’s Picks – Resources, Reviews, Videos, Tips
  • UNSETTLED CANADA Podcast – Regular podcast with Chief Lee Crowchild